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Bouddhamay Kabir - Dr. Vidyavati Malviya,  Translated By P. B. Pisal

Bouddhamay Kabir

  • Author
  • Dr. Vidyavati Malviya, Translated By P. B. Pisal
  • Published in
  • 2011
  • Book Price
  • 50 (Indian Rupee)
  • Contributed by
  • Ambedkarite People
Book Description:
This book is 13th publication of PPS, Mumbai which is published on 6th October 2011 pious day of Dhammachakra Pravartan Day. This book will show you how Kabir was follower of Buddha even he could not come to the contact of any Buddhist Monks. You will see in this book that how Kabir's Doha are the echo's of Lord Buddha's teaching (i.e. Kabir Gathas).
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