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सब्बदानं धम्मदानं जिनाति (धम्मपद)

Donating some amount for a good cause can make a big difference. Donation/s made by you will help us to improve the appearance of the site, maintain the domain and hosting, introduce more features, spining the DhammaWheel rapidly by spreading the thoughts and principles of Buddha and Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar.

If you want to donate to other organization/s than Navayan.com, then please contact to that organization directly. Navayan.com do not ask or collect donations in the name of other organizations.


  1. If you think that Navayan.com is doing worth for Ambedkarite Movement
  2. If you follows the thoughts and principles of Buddha and Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
  3. If your aims and objectives are not against of Equality, Fraternity and Freedom


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Important Note

  • Please write to us as soon as possible, once you made a donation/payment from any of the above methods.
  • Your donation/payment will be used to improve the site and to contribute in social upliftment.
  • While donating, suggestions or ideas expressed by you will not be mandatory on us. We will certainly think over good ideas.
  • Navayan.com's sovereignty will be independent and will not harm even if you make a donation/payment.
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