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  • Started on
  • 1972
  • Price
  • 10 (Indian Rupee)
  • Publisher/Owner
  • Ven. Acharya Buddharakkhita
  • Contributed by:
  • Ambedkarite People
Contact Details:
'Dhamma' a Buddhist monthly magazine published by Buddha Vachana Trust under Maha Bodhi Society (Bangalore) in English language.

DHAMMA - Monthly English Magazine published in English since 1972 in order to spread the teachings of the Buddha far and wide by imparting practical knowledge of Dhamma. The unique feature of the Magazine is that it offers a collection of best articles written by Buddhist scholars.

It also presents the teachings of the Buddha as a solution to day to day problems in life, apart from inducing human and family values and promoting moral and spiritual values. It helps to develop and cultivate Meditation and Wisdom and promotes the learning of Pali language and literature.

Subscription Charges:
Single copy: Rs. 25/-
Annual: Rs. 300/- or US $25
Three years: Rs. 500/- or US $50
Life membership: Rs. 1000/- or US $500

Subscriptions may be sent by cheque, D.D, or M.O in favour of
Mahabodhi Society
#14 Kalidasa, Road Gandhinagar
Bangalore-560 009
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