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Nagarjuna Telivision Pvt. Ltd.

Nagarjuna Telivision Pvt. Ltd.

  • Organization Type
  • Media
  • Founded on
  • Sunday, 1 February 2009
  • Contributed by
  • Ambedkarite People
India's first satellite Hindi Buddhist channel. Provides Buddha Pravachan, Vandana, Songs, Documentary and many more features with total budget of Rs. 50 Million

Through this Electronic Media to reach the world with:

* Life of Lord Buddha and his Dhamma

* Buddhist Culture And Heritage

* Life And Mission of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar

* Our concerns in the present context

* Our Struggles

* Our achievements and contributions and Exposing the talents of the unexposed to the world.
Nearest Buddhavihar:
Deekshabhoomi, Nagpur
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